Irv Shapiro

Irv Shapiro

FreeCAD Tutorial Series

FreeCAD Tutorial Series

FreeCAD is an open-source parametric CAD application installable on Windows, macOS, or Linux. Watch the following video to begin your journey into CAD. Learning CAD, while not trivial, is worth the effort.

Best 3d Printer Quality Under $1,000

For the DrVax YouTube channel, I have reviewed seven printers so far this year. The Ultimate 2 at $549 fits right in the middle of the price range for these printers between my Monoprice Select Mini V2 on the low end and my Prusa i3 Mk3 on the high end.

Enough 3d Printing Filament for the Print?

When preparing a 3d print you process it with a Slicer to convert it from a 3d model to a printable file. Current versions of slicers such as Cura 4.x and PrusaSlicer 2.x include both the length of filament needed for a print and the weight of the filament needed.

Calculating Extruder Steps/MM

The following DrVax video explains how to calibrate the extruder on your new 3d printer. After watching the video you can use the form below the video to calculate your new extruder steps per mm (the E value):